Charges for Carrying Marijuana in the UAE

What are the Penalties and Charges for Carrying Marijuana in the UAE
United Arab Emirates is known to have zero tolerance attitude to narcotics and takes all illegal drugs cases very seriously. The Emirates is very keen on developing its technical anti-narcotic capabilities and have a very strict approach to tackling drug trafficking cases. If violations are committed, one may face these charges for Carrying Marijuana in the UAE.

UAE Law No 14 of 1995 and its amendments regulates and governs cases of any narcotics related cases especially illegal possession of Marijuana. The law states “that the substance cannot be “brought, imported, exported, made, extracted, separated, produced, possessed or taken”. United Arab Emirate does not recognize any medical cannabis program and any use of the same is illegal regardless of whether it’s for medical purpose or not.

The following sanctions, penalties and imprisonment will be imposed under the following circumstances:

If caught in possession of cannabis, you may be sentenced to four years or more in prison. Additionally, you’ll be given a fine of 10,000 dirhams
If you are found selling or distributing Marijuana in the Emirates, the penalty of imprisonment for a period of not less than 10 years and not more than 15 years shall be imposed on the criminal offender. You will also be given a fine of “not less than 20,000 dirhams.
On top of this and as additional sanction imposed to foreigners who are found guilty of any of the aforesaid cases, it is very likely that sentence will include deportation as well.
Also, under extremely rare cases, the law states that drug trafficking can be punished with death, which is usually executed by firing squad under UAE law.
Given the above circumstances, it is very important especially to travelers, foreigners, resident and locals of United Arab Emirates to know and be educated about the Emirates war on drug agenda and its aim to eliminate and combat illegal drugs.

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